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AuctionMeThis is proud to be a distributor of Steam-Whirl and Amazon steam generators. You can avoid waiting for auctions buy clicking any of the buy it now buttons to purchase your steam generator today.


We have 2 brands and 3 models to choose from.

From Steam-Whirl we have the Classic or the upgradable Standard model. The difference is the blue or "classic" is a bare bones budget system w/mechanical timer. The standard or red model is upgraded with a digital timer and can be further upgraded with more features such as a manual or automatic blow down valve or a deluxe timer system which will control temperature as well as time. Email us for upgrade prices.

The Amazon model we carry is already upgraded with a digital on/off timer, but no additional features are available for this model.

Click on your choice of steam generator for prices and buy it now options. We ship within 24 hours of purchase.

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